Support and conducting tax audits

In the event of a company being summoned for a tax inspection, PKF experts offer full support in timely compliance with the requirements imposed by the inspection authorities, including support in a detailed analysis of the issues raised by the tax authorities and preparation of responses to objections or inquiries addressed to the company.

At every stage of the control process, we guarantee cooperation in the analysis of the necessary documents and gathering arguments supporting the client's position and minimizing the risk of its questioning by the control authorities. In addition, in the event of discrepancies between the position of the company and the tax authority, we offer the service of representing clients in disputed proceedings.

PKF has many qualified attorneys, not only tax advisors and legal advisors, but also experts in other fields, e.g. statutory auditors, financial analysts, property appraisers, whose unique knowledge and many years of experience may prove invaluable during a dispute to defend the taxpayer's position. The experience of the PKF Group's experts, supported by successes in many proceedings, may therefore be decisive in a dispute with tax and fiscal authorities.

We provide Transfer pricing and other services throughout Poland in regional offices in Warsaw, Łódź and Poznań, Opole, Wrocław, Katowice, Lublin, Gdańsk and Zielona Góra.

Contact with Us
Paweł Brodziak
Paweł Brodziak
Director of the Transfer Pricing Department in the Center Region +48 605 157 726

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