Member firms of PKF International have been rendering accounting and consultancy services since 1969. With representatives in almost 150 countries in the world, PKF offers accounting support and business consultancy oriented towards the internal market, but based on the global quality standards and a high degree of professionalism, regardless of the country where the services are required.
Why is it worth choosing PKF as a partner in accounting services and business consultancy?
PKF International member firms offer their Clients services of the highest quality – developed and oriented towards specific requirements, needs, but most of all the unique business environment of each Client. During the performance of tasks and orders for Clients, PKF member firms can count on full support and access databases of the global network in order to provide their Clients with the most profitable solutions to their problems.
Why is it worth for your accounting company to join the PKF International network?
Joining the PKF International network offers your company an opportunity to become a part of an organisation of excellent reputation, made up of legally independent entities which can use abundant sources of information available only to members, exchange unique experiences and share commonly recognised references.
Please search our website to find information on services offered by PKF member firms and to find the data you need.
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Wypełnienie pola oznacza wyrażenie zgody na otrzymywanie komunikacji marketingowej. Administratorem danych jest PKF Consult Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. ... więcej
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