How can we help to take advantage of the R&D relief?

The application of the tax relief related to research and development works carried out in 2016 makes it possible to charge up to 130% of the so-called ‘eligible costs’ to tax deductible expenses, by recognising their actual value as a tax deductible expense and then by applying a deduction from the tax base again from 10% to 30% of these costs.

New tax relief for research and development
How to apply the relief?
How can we help to take advantage of the R&D relief?
IP Box - even more benefits

In order to use effectively the R&D relief in question, we offer the following services:

  • An in-depth analysis of conducted research activities, but, first and foremost, of pro-development activities to qualify them as activities giving the right to apply the R&D tax relief.
  • An analysis of costs related to the R&D activities, their grouping and accounting for to qualify them as eligible costs.
  • Recommendations regarding the implementation of any organisational and reporting changes aimed at precise grouping of all costs related to the R&D activities, with particular focus on eligible costs.
  • Preparation of relevant reports documenting and accounting for R&D activities for evidential and explanatory purposes in interactions with tax authorities.
  • Submitting requests for interpretations to increase the taxpayer’s security as in the procedure of the correct application of the relief.
  • Supporting the taxpayer in interactions with tax authorities in the case of all matters related to the verification of the correct application of the R&D tax relief.

We offer the services related to both the preparation of the annual CIT-8 return and the procedure of requesting the determination of overpayment (by submitting corrected CIT-8 return). 

We provide Relief related to research and development works, IP BOX and other services throughout Poland in regional offices in Warsaw, Łódź and Poznań, Opole, Wrocław, Katowice, Lublin, Gdańsk and Zielona Góra.

Quick contact

If you have any questions or concerns - please contact us. We will reply or call you back after reading the content of the form.

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Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych, w zależności od przedmiotu zapytania ofertowego, będzie PKF Consult Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., PKF BPO Sadowska – Malczewska Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., PKF Tax&Legal Chamera Orczykowski Sp. k., PKF Advisory Sp. z o. o. lub PKF Brevells Cekiera Sp. k., wszystkie z siedzibą przy ul. Orzyckiej 6/1B, 02-695 Warszawa. Pani / Pana dane będą przetwarzane w celu obsługi skierowanego zapytania. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych, w tym o przysługujących Pani / Panu prawach oraz o danych kontaktowych Administratorów, znajduje się w naszej Polityce Prywatności.

Contact with Us
Dariusz Orczykowski
Dariusz Orczykowski
Tax Advisory Department Director West Region +48 692 464 706

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