Whitelist of Taxpayers – new obligations to verify counterparties as of 1 September 2019


The regulations of the Act of 12 April 2019 on amendments to the Act on goods and services (VAT) and certain other acts, relating to the Whitelist of Taxpayers i.e. an online list of active VAT payers kept by the Head of the National Tax Administration and payers’ settlement accounts (hereinafter: “Whitelist”), become effective on 1 September 2019. The introduction of the Whitelist is to allow business entities to obtain data that are necessary to perform a preliminary assessment of counterparties and act with due diligence to verify the same; however, it also entails sanctions.

As of 1 January 2020, taxpayers who make a transaction over PLN 15,000 to a bank account that is not whitelisted will generally not be able to recognize such expense as tax deductible and will be jointly and severally liable with the supplier of goods or services for unsettled VAT (under the given transaction).


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Agnieszka  Chamera
Agnieszka Chamera
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+48 609 331 330

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