Transfer Pricing Documentation Standards 2019


Over the last decade, due to economic developments, many countries experienced reduced tax bases and declining tax revenues. As a consequence, the pressure has never been higher on governments and tax authorities to protect domestic tax revenues without increasing tax rates. In order to increase the tax base, many countries decided to work together in the project led by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, which came known as the BEPS-project. The BEPS-project resulted in 15 action points to increase the tax base by countering tax avoidance. With 4 action points dealing with transfer pricing, it is clear that transfer pricing has become one of the most important areas tax authorities will be focusing on going forward.

Within this context, BEPS action point 13 provides guidance to countries by establishing common minimum standards for transfer pricing documentation for midsize and large size multinational enterprises, consisting of a Master File, Local File and a country-by-country report. This publication provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the implementation of BEPS action point 13 in domestic legislation, which not only covers documentation standards but also deals with specific local requirements on domestic exemptions, timing and penalty regimes.


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