Start a business and grow it with success
- as a company with almost 30 years of experience, we are happy to support new projects and ideas with our comprehensive business knowledge
- we help entities starting their operations on the Polish market in making important business decisions
- we help foreign entities to start business in Poland
- we provide services in the field of accounting, human resources and payroll, law, taxes, finance and optimization of business processes
When you start cooperation with us at the very beginning of your business, you can be sure that you choose not only an experienced accounting office but also a competent business partner who will support you in making important business decisions from the point of view of accounting, human resources and payroll.
We understand startup not only as an innovative business idea with the aim of quickly gaining the market. Our support is also directed to foreign Clients developing their business and investing in Poland.
The rapid growth of startups is often associated with risks and bottlenecks in areas supporting their core business. As your business partner, we are able to quickly identify the risks and prevent a crisis associated with too dynamic development.
Download our guides and find out that setting up your own company in Poland does not have to be difficult:
Our services for startups:
- advice on choosing the legal form of the company
- company registration
- legal and tax assistance during company registration
- opening a bank account
- reporting the company to public institutions
- rental of the company’s registered office address
- drawing up an accounting policy and setting up accounting accounts in accordance with applicable regulations and the specific nature of the Client
- accounting services
- HR and payroll services
- support in the preparation of business-valuable accounting reports
- administrative support
- tax services
We provide Startup - tailored services at every stage of your business development and other services throughout Poland in regional offices in Warsaw, Łódź and Poznań, Opole, Wrocław, Katowice, Lublin, Gdańsk and Zielona Góra.
- Process of setting up the company.PDF [PDF]
- Bookkeeping, HR and payroll in Poland.PDF [PDF]
- Forms of Business Activities.PDF [PDF]
- A complete guide to conducting business activity in Poland.pdf [PDF]
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Wypełnienie pola oznacza wyrażenie zgody na otrzymywanie komunikacji marketingowej. Administratorem danych jest PKF Consult Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. ... więcej
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