Procedures and Regulations

Each company should develop procedures and regulations appropriate for the activities in its organization. Such standardization makes work and communication much easier. For some, this may seem like unnecessary bureaucracy, but procedures can improve the quality and speed of work and improve communication between employees. They allow to standardize the knowledge of experienced employees, conduct and actions in specific situations, which in turn allows to minimize errors and risks in the organization. Through procedures, we can also define the rights of individual employees in the organization.

As part of the procedures and regulations, we provide, among others:

  • audit of existing procedures and regulations
  • indication of strengths and weaknesses in the existing procedures and regulations
  • changes to existing procedures and regulations
  • creating procedures and regulations from scratch
  • assistance in the implementation of procedures and regulations
  • training for employees

Examples of procedures and regulations:

  • Accounting Policy
  • Warehouse Policy
  • Warehouse Instruction
  • Debt Collection Procedure
  • Document Circulation Procedure
  • Sales Procedure
  • Purchasing Procedure
  • Complaints Procedure
  • Service Procedure
  • External and Internal Transport Procedure
  • Replacement Procedure

We provide Management Accounting and Controlling and other services throughout Poland in regional offices in Warsaw, Łódź and Poznań, Opole, Wrocław, Katowice, Lublin, Gdańsk and Zielona Góra.

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Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych, w zależności od przedmiotu zapytania ofertowego, będzie PKF Consult Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., PKF BPO Sadowska – Malczewska Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., PKF Tax&Legal Chamera Orczykowski Sp. k., PKF Advisory Sp. z o. o. lub PKF Brevells Cekiera Sp. k., wszystkie z siedzibą przy ul. Orzyckiej 6/1B, 02-695 Warszawa. Pani / Pana dane będą przetwarzane w celu obsługi skierowanego zapytania. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych, w tym o przysługujących Pani / Panu prawach oraz o danych kontaktowych Administratorów, znajduje się w naszej Polityce Prywatności.

Contact with Us
Karolina Gołębiewska
Karolina Gołębiewska
Associate Partner for Outsourcing +48 605 157 201

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Wypełnienie pola oznacza wyrażenie zgody na otrzymywanie komunikacji marketingowej. Administratorem danych jest PKF Consult Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. ... więcej

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