References from our Clients



"PKF BPO provides us with accounting, HR and payroll services. The substantive knowledge of PKF representatives convinced us to start cooperation and it was a good decision. From now on, our books and HR matters are well cared for, and we can focus on the core business of our company, without having to keep track of changes in legal and tax regulations. We also got access to employee applications without any additional investment. In addition, the company conducts correspondence and prepares reports for the parent company in English, which is a great help for us, without the need to hire translators."

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Tomasz Bortkiewicz
Member of the Management Board
Baltex Gedeon Sp. z o.o.

„We started our cooperation with PKF BPO in 2016 with outsourcing of accounting books, which was systematically changing along with the development of the company and our needs. Over the years, we expanded the cooperation to include HR and payroll outsourcing and management reporting for our Landbell Capital Group. In 2020, we decided to keep our bookkeeping in-house, while outsourcing  the supervision of our accounts to PKF BPO. With access to our financial and accounting system, PKF controls our accounting on an ongoing basis. Not only flexibility, but also the comprehensiveness of services provided by the company is an invaluable benefit for us . Currently, we also entrust PKF with full administration related to the management of PPK. We have also repeatedly benefited from the company’s legal and tax advisory services. I can confidently recommend PKF BPO as a responsible business partner.”

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Rafał Przychodzień
Shared Services Director,
Topengi Sp. z o.o.

„The acquisition of the books by PKF BPO was smooth and efficient, without the need to change the accounting system. It was extremely important for us, because we keep accounting books and report on this system. Our ongoing cooperation runs smoothly, and the entrusted cases are carried out with the utmost diligence, meeting deadlines and at a high substantive level. We especially appreciate the commitment of the project supervisors, their determination in action, meeting expectations and caring for mutual relations.”

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Piotr Sidorowicz
PIAB Polska Sp. z o.o.

”PKF BPO is our Partner and Business Advisor in the field of management accounting, controlling and in the implementation of processes, procedures, tools and system solutions. In our cooperation, we especially appreciate the commitment of the project team, efficient exchange of information and easy contact with the project supervisor. This allows us to react quickly to unforeseen situations, which, as a result, do not become problems generating losses for the company. We receive management information and financial analyses on time, which has a huge impact on management efficiency.”

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Bartosz Rybak
Member of the Management Board,
Prime Force Sp. z o.o.


Our Clients:

We provide References from our Clients and other services throughout Poland in regional offices in Warsaw, Łódź and Poznań, Opole, Wrocław, Katowice, Lublin, Gdańsk and Zielona Góra.

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Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych, w zależności od przedmiotu zapytania ofertowego, będzie PKF Consult Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., PKF BPO Sadowska – Malczewska Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., PKF Tax&Legal Chamera Orczykowski Sp. k., PKF Advisory Sp. z o. o. lub PKF Brevells Cekiera Sp. k., wszystkie z siedzibą przy ul. Orzyckiej 6/1B, 02-695 Warszawa. Pani / Pana dane będą przetwarzane w celu obsługi skierowanego zapytania. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych, w tym o przysługujących Pani / Panu prawach oraz o danych kontaktowych Administratorów, znajduje się w naszej Polityce Prywatności.

Contact with Us
Grażyna Sadowska-Malczewska
Grażyna Sadowska-Malczewska
Managing Partner of PKF BPO +48 606 859 613

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Wypełnienie pola oznacza wyrażenie zgody na otrzymywanie komunikacji marketingowej. Administratorem danych jest PKF Consult Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. ... więcej

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